Elephants Vertebrae

3–5 things you should know about us

Harri Thomas
2 min readAug 23, 2023
Elephants Vertebrae

Y Combinator are famous for preparing their portfolio companies for effectively raising capital on demo day and beyond. One key aspect of this preparation is the creation of a ‘Company Vertebrae’. A Company Vertebrae is 3–5 points that companies most want investors to remember about their business.

Because I’m proud of what we’re doing, I’m sharing Elephants vertebrae.

What do you do?

Elephants is a social goals app that’s using AI and collaboration to unlock human potential.

From marathons to starting a business and everything in between, Elephants offers the support and expertise you need to realize your personal goals.

Who Are The Co-Founders?

Harri Thomas, a former Facebook UXR, co-founded Respondent, which he grew to $10m+ in GMV with a 30-member team.

Vito Margiotta, an ex-Product Manager from Google X, created Seemba that brought 5m businesses in India online and has lectured at Harvard on A.I. Recently, Vito shuttled 23 Ukrainian families from the Ukrainian border back to safety in Rome.

Harri and Vito met while mentoring other founders.

What’s Your Unique Insight?

Unlike many apps that prioritize individual success, Elephants emphasizes group growth.

Working on goals with your friends not only boosts success rates, but also makes the journey way more fun.

Business Model & Market

68m or 94% of US Millennials reported spending money on personal development in the last year. If subscribers pay $11.99 a month, this represents a potential $9.7bn annual market in the US.



Harri Thomas

Fostering collaboration and personal success with Elephants | Formerly UXR @ Facebook and Co-Founder @ Respondent